Loyola University, New Orleans
Loyola University, New Orleans, LA
Small Jesuit school.
Offers 110 undergraduate programs and 36 graduate and professional programs.
The strongest programs include mass communications, business, digital filmmaking, graphic design, jazz studies, music industry studies, sociology, and biological sciences.
Strong focus on service learning and social justice.
First-year students are all assigned a ‘success coach’ to provide academic guidance.
43% of classes have fewer than 20 students.
Very accessible professors.
39% of students make service part of their education.
Top producer of Peace Corps volunteers.
70% of students participate in internship opportunities.
19% of students are Hispanic. 17% are African American. 3% are Asian American. 5% are multi-racial.
35% male. 66% female.
Politically very liberal.
Students strongly advocate for women’s rights and LGBTQ+ and gender-related issues.
Merit scholarships average: $19,700.
1/3rd of students are first-generation college students.
38% of students are Pell Grant eligible.
Has a free student-run good pantry on campus to address food insecurity issues.
Division I sports. 14 varsity sports.
Quidditch is popular here.
11 Greek organizations on campus.